WSN what is it?

WSN is a type of parts therapy, I have popped a link here to parts therapy should you wish to have a look at what parts therapy is.

“WSN is based upon the concept of evolutionary psychology, Warriors, Settlers and Nomads reveals those very skills and psychological attitudes that we have inherited from our ancestors. Teaching us how we have all retained features of the three ancient tribes - the Warrior, the Settler and the Nomad.”
I have taken the above paragraph from Terence Watts book WSN


WSN simpler than other parts therapies
WSN is simpler than some of the other parts therapies in that it looks at 3 different parts of us, kind and caring, strong and confident, get out there and enjoy life. 
Warrior - strong and confident part 
Settler - kind and caring part
Nomad - fun loving part 

Some find the Warrior, Settler and Nomad characters sit uncomfortable with them so I often refer to them as above, strong and confident, kind and caring, fun loving part. Clients often feel better with this way of referring to the characters, they can understand that we all have these parts within us. They may vary in strengths and we may find that in some situations one part is stronger than in other situations, for example the Warrior part of you may come out more at work, the fun loving Nomad part may come out more when on holiday.

These parts all live within us to some degree or another, some are our dominate way of being and our dominant way of being is the way we were born and can not be changed, just like we can’t change the colour of our eyes.    
So a little history lesson.      
If we go back through time we find a time of tribes, there were three tribes, the Warriors which were strong and confident leaders, the Nomads which were fun loving and never stayed in one area for too long, always traveling always looking for new things, new adventures. Then we have the settlers and they are the ones that began to use the land around them rather than roam around, kind caring people who liked to settle down and just be.
The Warriors will have taken advantage of the Settlers, allowing them to set up and create hamlets and villages, then move in and take over the running of the settlement, be leaders. The Nomads will have either continued to travel around or become part of the society created.
This lead to inter breading between the three tribes, fast forward through time up to the present day and we all have parts of these characters within us.


Weight Management, Stress, Anxiety, Motivation, Performance Enhancement, Self-confidence Issues, Public Speaking, Career Enhancement, Counselling, Life-direction finding.

What happens during WSN therapy

Part of the therapy is a lot of questions to really dig and find out which character is most dominant or which characters are most dominant. The questioning also helps to find any internal conflicts that may be there. We may not be our true self, our up bringing may have lead us to move away from our true way of being so that we fit in. For example school and society pushes us towards being the Settler as this is how most feel we should be, kind and caring, looking out for others. School life, teachers want us to do as they wish, however if you are a strong Nomad you may not wish to sit down and read a book or do your writing and maths, you are more likely going to want to play in the sandpit or enjoy arts and crafts. If you are a strong Warrior and leader you will not enjoy being told what to do, you will want to be do the leading. So these more dominant ways of being can and do get pushed out, shoved down and we act more settler as this is how we are ‘supposed’ to be in school and society, do as we are told, be kind to others. This causes internal conflict.

Follow up sessions
WSN therapy looks at using the 3 different parts of us to create balance, to help the conflict within us and therefore help you to feel better in whatever area of life that help or balance is needed.
Once the questioning part has been done we move on to creating VMIs of your characters, this is simply creating a visual mental image of the Warrior, Settler and Nomad. These images or characters we then use to help create the balance. We have meetings and ask questions to the parts, for example who is responsible for my overeating, who is stopping me doing what I wish too, who can help me with my anxiety/stress, who can help me let my hair down more and not be so serious. By asking questions and some can be as simple as how am I doing? We begin to use the parts in the way that suits them best. If life is too serious we ask Warrior to step back and allow Nomad to have more fun and come out more, if we have to deal with a loved one that isn’t well we may ask Settler to help us care and be patient. The list can go on and on.


A brief example:
Woking with weight management, the Nomad was a Victorian bigger living on the streets of London, hungery all the time eating out of bins. This explained the over eating. We asked the Settler if she  would help (she was a lady in her 60s looking after a household), she said she would feed him and look after him. The Settler was happy to help the Nomad, this helped the client by getting her eating habits positive and under control.

WSN a life tool
Once the basics of WSN has been learned it can be used in all areas of life, whether it’s help with an interview or you need help to be more caring and have more paitient, or to have more fun and let your hair down more. It is such a versatile therapy and an amazing life tool for all, I have used this style of therapy with children also and they really do engage with it well.

WSN sessions
The first session can last up to 2 hours and is the intake session where we do lots of talking, this I do with every client no matter what therapy I do with them, this session gives me a good picture of where you are and where you want to be. The follow up session would be the questioning session to explore which is your dominant part or parts. Once this has been completed we move onto the VMI work and then getting them all together to find ways to move forward. These follow session area about an hour.

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